December News

Clark Case
December 15, 2023

Christmas is right around the corner and so we’ve bumped up our toy selection here at the Coop. If you think Santa might need a little help you can check out our selection on the end cap by the dairy refrigerator. The kids who have come in lately seem to naturally gravitate to that section, like a beacon for all of those kids on the nice list. For the adults on the list, we always have a selection of locally made arts and crafts, books, cards and sweets that can make anyone feel special. If you have any special needs for the Holiday dinners, let us know as soon as you can and we can get something ordered for you. And don’t miss Santa’s visit to the Coop on Saturday the 16th from 11 am to 3 pm on the front porch. He’s warming up for his sled ride in the Electric Light Parade later that night, but you can come and get the kids’ pictures with him here in the daylight.

We really encourage all of our supporters to utilize the Coop as much as you can for your holiday food needs. This is a make or break time of year for small stores, and the Coop is no exception. We depend on your patronage to continue to stay open, and the numbers in December, January and February are always the hardest to crunch as our sales slump and our bills increase. If you are someone who appreciates the fact that Dixon has a store that carries such a wide variety of good products, then don’t take it for granted that it operates without your patronage. I have always been interested in the number of dollars spent in this town on food. With around seven hundred households in the ten mile radius around the store, and an average monthly household expenditure of around $1000 for a family of four, we spend a lot of money collectively on the food we eat. The Coop’s purpose is to create a situation where we can all come together to build an economic advantage for its members, even beyond the convenience that it offers, but that becomes most advantageous only when our purchasing is maximized. If we all shopped here, we would be able to optimize pricing and selection. In the meantime, come in and use your member discount and take advantage of the buying club where you get huge discounts on bulk buying, even on items we don’t normally carry. Talk to any of us in the office and we’ll help you start saving money by shopping at the Coop.

Whether you have visitors or not coming in for the holidays, the Dixon Deli is ready to help you. We are making sandwiches to order as well as having a selection for grab and go if you don’t want to wait. You can find more items available, including chicharron burritos, green chile stew and soon you can get tamales and posolé made here in our kitchen. That should help you get into the Christmas spirit.

Hope to see you soon at the Coop, Clark

Big news from the Co-Op!

Clark Case
May 4, 2023

I would like to express a huge thank you and congratulations to all of you for voting in the Barclays Bank Small Biz Big Wins Contest. It was revealed today that thanks to over 15,000 votes for the DixonCooperative Market during the 10 day voting period we placed second and will be awarded $40,000 in a couple weeks! This money will help us fulfill our mission of bringing good food to good people in the Embudo Valley. The outpouring of support reinforces my belief that a small town needs a store, and the people who use it appreciate the service. Could you imagine Dixon without a store? Small towns all across America are losing their local grocery stores, and there is only one way you can stop it: SHOP HERE! Email support for the contest won us big bucks, but real economic support is what we need to continue our mission. The investment that the store makes in the goods we sell and the expense of selling those goods is a leap of faith in all of you who shop here. I ask you to continue to use the Coop as much as you can because our ability to survive depends on it.

All that being said, let’s celebrate the win. I invite all of you to comedown to the Coop on Monday, May 15, from noon to two pm to celebrate this community accomplishment. We will have a few refreshments, speeches and some music. I look forward to seeing all of the people who were committed to voting every day, and give my appreciation to all of you who shared our story with your friends and family outside of the valley. The outpouring of support from all corners of our service area was greatly appreciated, and we will continue to work to make your Coop a place you can rely on and be proud of. I hope to see you soon at theCoop, Clark

Great Opportunity for the Co-Op!

Clark Case
April 1, 2023

We have huge news! Barclay Bank has initiated a contest called “Small Business, Big Wins,” with a grand prize of $60,000. Of the 14,200 applicants, our Co-op has been selected as one of the ten finalists to qualify for the grand prize. As a top ten finalist we are assured of winning $5,000, but with your help we could win a larger cash prize.

Please vote once a day from today, April 1st through April 10th. Ask your family and friends to help, together we can win this award! The money will go a long way toward allowing the Co-op to improve the services we offer you.

It is quite an honor to be selected from so many small businesses nationwide; it reminds us that we are lucky to have this little store serving our small community. Let’s take this opportunity to show that our community supports the Co-op and the Co-op will in turn, fulfill its dream of improving our services to you.

This is a great opportunity for us and we would really appreciate your support!


Vote Here

Dixon Market Expansion: News and Updates!

Alex Amend
October 28, 2022

Dixon Market Expansion: News and Updates! 

The Dixon Co-op Board and Staff are currently planning for the first major expansion of the store in a number of years. Our goal is to increase our storage capacity for both shelf stable and fresh and frozen foods, allowing us to purchase in larger quantities and reduce the cost of goods sold. With the enlarged  space and increased refrigeration we will be able to better keep local fresh produce and bulk items for sale to the community, as well as to better supply the Picuris Travel Center. We will also make improvements to the delivery area to improve safety and efficiency. In summer of 2022, the Dixon Co-op was awarded a USDA HFFI grant worth $200,000 for the work. 

Board Members and Staff are currently discussing plans with local architects and builders about budgets and timelines. It may be that we need to raise more money to do the job, and we'll  let members know as we make progress.

Stay tuned to this page for updates. Please contact board members if you have questions or suggestions for this work. Please contact us especially if you have ideas for more funding opportunities! 

Thank you! 

- Dixon Co-Op Board of Directors

(enjoy the historical photos of expansions past)

Patio expansion 2013
...more Patio expansion
Taking down the center wall in 2012.
2012... just after the middle wall came down.